Nagpur Maha Metro a medium of convenience is seen completing the station work with a boost and just as the Wardha Road Route has come in action, the Hingna Road route will soon be open for the city. Similarly, the route from Sitabuldi to Auto-motive square is almost done while the rest work is assumed to be completed in few months.
This route is 7.23 km long which will cover seven stations excluding Sitabuldi and the last station i.e. Auto-motive square. The route covers a National Highway, which is assumed to be reducing the pollution in these areas as it will cut down the vehicle count in numbers.
In coming future the citizens will notice a drastic change as this route will even have a bridge dividing the traffic of heavy and light vehicles.
Similarly the Gurudwara Road will have a four storey bridge where the first storey will have entry only for light vehicles, second storey will have the Bhartia Railway passing by, third storey of the bridge will be totally dedicated for Heavy Vehicles and the fourth and the top most bridge will be for Maha Metro rail.
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