Under the platform “Kaarwan”, Chitnavis Centre is organizing the third edition of the platform, a musical platform to celebrate achievements of famous personalities, “KAPOOR’S” , Hits of Raj Kapoor and family will be presented by Nagpur based enthusiastic singers. These include businessmen, lawyers, doctors, and CAs.
Singers to perform during the event will be Sonali Bajpayee, Rachna Punjabi, Manisha Tiwari, Milonee Indapwar, Mrunal Naik, Gauri Deshpande, Yateendra Indapwar, Sachin Ghadge, Surjeet Singh Bhasin, Deepak Khurana, Pankaj Deshpande, L. N. Bodade and Anant Mule.
The songs will be sung on Karaoke system. The program is conceptualised by Smt. Shraddha Bharadwaj, Senior AIR Compere and she will be the compere for the show.
The event will be held today at 6:30 pm at Tamarind, Chitnavis Centre. Entry to the program is FREE and OPEN for all.