The Nagpur-Goa and Nagpur-Ahmedabad flights of GoAir were cancelled on Wednesday. As per information, the number of air passengers has reduced drastically due to the on-going corona crisis and many airlines are cancelling scheduled flights due to lesser bookings. On the other hand, IndiGo and Air India will be operating regular flights for Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Kolkata. Almost all the airlines are currently operating flights between Nagpur and Mumbai. The schedules of all airlines from July 1 to August 24 have been published. At present, 6 aircraft are flying to various destinations from the city.
Here are the new flight schedules:
1.G8-2601/730 –Mumbai-Nagpur-Ahmedabad, arrival 7.40 am, departure 8.45 and day of operations, Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday.
2.G8-2601/607-Mumbai-Nagpur-Mumbai, arrival 7.40 am, departure 8.45 and day of operations
every day.
3.AI-469/470-Delhi-Nagpur-Delhi,arrival 8.10 am, departure 9.45 and day of operations Monday,Thursday,Saturday.
4.G8-283/284-Pune-Nagpur-Pune arrival 8.50 am, departure 10.20 and day of operations Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Sunday.
5.GE-135/6104-Delhi-Nagpur-Pune,arrival 11.5, departure 11.55 and day of operations Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Sunday.
6.GE-135/134-Delhi-Nagpur-Delhi arrival 11.5, departure 11.50 and day of operations Saturday.
7.GE-6279/134-Pune-Nagpur-Delhi arrival 15.15, departure 16.00,day of operations Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Sunday.
8.G8-2519/819-Delhi-Nagpur-Goa arrival 15.45, departure 16.45,day of operations Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Sunday.
9.G8-731/2607-Ahmedabad-Nagpur-Mumbai arrival 18.30,departure 19.30,day of operations Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Sunday.
10.GE-404/403-Kolkata-Nagpur-Kolkata arrival 19.25,departure 20.05,day of operations every day.
11.GE-5377/6404-Mumbai-Nagpur-Mumbai arrival 20.25, departure 21.05, day of operations every day.
12.G8-820/2516-Goa-Nagpur-Delhi arrival 21.00, departure 22.00,operations,Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Sunday.