As per the guidelines of NMC and Government of Maharashtra, outdoor sports facilities were to be started wef 05.08.2020. In line with the guidelines of COVID-19, the Nagpur District Hardcourt Tennis Association has resumed the sport of tennis at its facility in Ramnagar.
The courts and other facilities have been sanitized and players maintain social distancing. There was a lot of enthusiasm among senior as well as junior players. One of the regular players, Dr Rajesh Singhvi, said “Back to our first love” while Yuvraj Pandaripande said “Thank you so much God for giving us the opportunity to play tennis again”.
Among the junior players, Mishka Tayade and Suryamee Sathe were eagerly waiting to start Tennis and were overjoyed to be on the court again. National Ranking player Sai Bhoyar was equally thrilled to start her training once again. Coaches Vishal, Suraj and Navin are now fully geared up to welcome the players again.
Rain may still be a problem as we have four clay courts that require a lot of maintenance and repairs, said Dr Sudhir Bhiwapurkar, Hon Secretary, NDHTA. Veteran player and vice president Ashok Bhiwapurkar was eager to resume tennis as he has been playing the sport for the last 50 years.
“Fresh paperwork that includes a consent form is being collected from each player, hence documentation would be required even if the player has been registered earlier with MSLTA Tennis Academy”, said Vijay Naidu, Hon Treasurer, NDHTA. For more information, players are requested to contact the staff at the NDHTA office.