JCI NAGPUR MEDICO observed 11th September 2020 as day 3 of JCI WEEK 2020 where physical activity, outdoor activities, traditional sports were given importance with due consideration to the social distancing norms. Contest no. 1 – online chess competition – JC Dr. Siddhartha Saoji participated actively in the tournament and made our LOM proud.
Contest no. 2- Installations of sanitizers dispensers – 5 pedestal hand sanitisers were installed at various public places including hospitals, railway stations, and mills Contest no.3- bring back the old video was being made with 6 JC members playing and propogating outdoor games and traditional sports including stapoo, pithoo, lagori Contest no. 4 – pledge was taken by 13 people trying to inculcate yoga in their routine at workplace Pledge was taken by 80 non JCI members and 38 JCI members.
Project director Dr. Parul Saoji and Dr. Siddhartha saoji participated and worked hard to conduct the programs, under the leadership of President JC Dr.Swati Sarda and Secretary JC Dr. Deepika Chandok with lots of encouragement from JCI WEEK DIRECTOR JC Dr. Vaishali Mamidwar and treasurer JC Dr. Payal Agarwal.