Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Sunil Kedar said that at the condition of  least 60 per cent State and District participation in National and State championships would be relaxed for 5 per cent reservation for government, semi-government and other sectors jobs for proficient players of the State.
He was speaking at a meeting organized for 5 per cent reservation for skilled players in Government, Semi-Government and other sectors. Minister of State for Sports and Youth Welfare Kumari Aditi Tatkare and Commissioner Omprakash Bakoria were present at the meeting.
Kedar said that at least 60 per cent of the State districts affiliated to the respective sports associations would be required to participate in all types of national and state championships. The benefits will be applicable only to the types of sports in the official international sports recognized as per the ruling.
Athletes who win medals in national and international competitions bring fame to the nation as well as the state. It is not possible for the players to pay equal attention to both the halves as the opportunities they get in the game and the educational qualification period are the same. Five per cent reservation for highly qualified players for jobs in various Government departments and Government owned and controlled corporations, local authorities and Government subsidized institutions, considering that they often lag behind in education and therefore cannot compete with other students in job competition, Kedar informed.
State declares 5% reservation in Govt jobs for proficient players
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