JCI Nagpur Pharma organized the JCI Women’s Entrepreneur Award during JC week to encourage women to excel in the business world. This year’s award Archana Pethia was honored with the “Women Entrepreneur Award” for her business achievement.
Jcrt Archana Pethia has taken Thakkar Medico Traders, Sandesh Dawa Bazzar, Nagpur to new heights with her dedication and hard work in the field of medicine since 18 years and at the same time handled her family responsibilities very well.
JC Ashish Khatri, Zona Vice President, JCI India , was the chief guest at the felicitation ceremony.
JC Veerbhan Kewalramani, Founder President, JCI Nagpur Pharma, Past President JC Atul Pethia, JC Nikunj Sahu, Members Manoj Kedia, Vikas Harwani, Amish Sahu, Sandeep Kedia, Jcrt Bhavna Khatri and Pooja Jindal were present on the occasion. The program was presided over by JC Manoj Jindal and vote of thanks by Secretary JC Ritesh Ramani.
Vice President JC Onkar Kewalramani, JC Rajesh Harwani and Junior JC Diya Pethia assisted in making the program successful.