Orange City Hospital & Research Institute (OCHRI) owned by Ravi Nair Hospitals Private Limited (RNHPL) which has been the torch bearer of Health Care as they complete 25 years of serving central India had got NABH fully reaccredited and became the first hospital in Nagpur and under 50 hospitals in entire country to get certified as per new 5th edition.
It continues to justify the trust placed on them by central Indians by keeping itself abreast with innovations and adding plethora of services. Management Schools depute their students to learn the exemplary synergy of advancements and expertise merged at OCHRI.
Looking into the increasing admissions, OCHRI enhanced its Critical Care bed strength by expanding into the recently procured adjacent Deep flats. Arch. Rajesh Ramteke has designed this new division while Sr. Sindhu Rao- CCU II Ward Section Supervisor received the new division.
OCHRI upgraded CCU Complex not only boasts of all desired advanced life support paraphernalia and round the clock stationed trained qualified Critical Care Specialists but also backup of invertors, hi-tech fire safety system, 2 fully loaded generators, Inox Oxygen storage tank and self-generating Oxygen plant to safeguard the interests of admitted patients.
As per precedence in OCHRI; ritualistic induction of this property was conducted by Varadrajan Iyer assisted by Doraiswamy. A havan was conducted to cleanse the environment and gathering prayed that the scourge of Covid be wiped off from face of the earth.
Udaybhaskar Nair- NAIRSONS Chairman was the Yajman of this Pooja. Dr. Usha Nair- RNHPL Managing Director, Dr. Anup Marar- OCHRI Director, Dr. Smita Harkare- OCHRI OT Complex Coordinator and Dr. Mohit Gharpure- OCHRI CCU Complex Coordinator partook in this spiritual proceedings along with Priya Sashi, Sr. Jessy Abraham and Sunil Sure to bless OCHRI’s new division. Simha Chalam led team of Sawant Waghmare, Ramesh Pande, Sachin Gajbhiye, Ganesh Iyer, Durga Joshi, Naresh Tiwari and Ravindra Dhande for smooth execution of this sacred induction ceremony.