Wockhardt Hospital Nagpur, going beyond the expected way – the Wockhardt way ,assures patients not to worry about their spine related problems , as in this new era of advanced science and technology , most of the spine surgeries can be performed through Key hole approach now a days, said Dr Priyesh Dhoke,Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon at Wockhardt Hospital,Nagpur, a expertise in this field .
Dr Priyesh Dhoke,Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon at Wockhardt Hospital, said , the patient with low back pain and leg pain (radiculopathy) are diagnosed with X rays and MRI scans. If MRI shows significant disc prolapse with compression of nerve root leading to leg pain,numbness and weakness in legs, then as per our treatment plan first we go for conservative approach with limited mobility, medicines and physiotherapy for our prolapse intervertebral disc patients.If the pain problem is not resolved or the patient has weakness in the legs, urine or toilet complaints then minimal invasive/Key hole surgery , percutaneous surgery can be performed with the help of small tubes.(MISS)
Dr. Priyesh Dhoke , who himself is performing these MISS since 2012 further added , that the benefits of this MISS are precision, very minimal incision, less tissue dissection so no cut or damage to the tissue, less blood loss, less post operative pain so less use of pain killer medicines, patient can walk within 4-6 hours of surgery, can take bath next day and discharged within 48 hours from the hospital . Dr. Dhoke said, “You cannot measure the benefits of this advanced science and technology to the patient, because seeing the joy of the patients and their families, the satisfaction of seeing your work paid off is indescribable.
Dr Priyesh Dhoke was trained as clinical fellow at AO Spine International spine center at Brisbane, Australia and also at one of the best center for Minimal Invasive spine surgery at Singapore General Hospital and also presented his research work and outcomes for MISS in peer reviewed International spine journal.
Dr Priyesh Dhoke explains that this percutaneous spine surgery is highly skilled technique and very beneficial to the patient. Dr Dhoke is fellowship trained Spine specialist with several International recognitions and is available at WockhardtHospital, Nagpur for the patients.