The Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (DMIHER), the Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG), and the Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU)-Nagpur are organising a State-level workshop on ‘Prioritising Risks for Emerging and Epidemic-Prone Diseases in Maharashtra’ on April 29 at MAFSU.
It is part of the initiative One Health System Strengthening in India (OHSSIN). The ‘one Health’ concept recognises that the health of people, animals, and the environment are all interconnected and that addressing complex health concerns requires a multi-sectoral approach.
The OHSSIN initiative intends to boost India’s ‘One Health’ system by improving zoonotic disease surveillance, laboratory capacity, and risk communication.
According to a press release, the state-level workshop will bring together specialists from the public health, animal health, and environmental health sectors to prioritise emerging and epidemic-prone diseases in Maharashtra based on their impact on human and animal health, as well as the environment.