The Indian Institute of Materials Management, Nagpur branch, a professional Body, which has a membership of over 175 members, recently held its 42nd Annual General Body Meeting, on Saturday the 26th of August 2023, at Hotel Airport Center Point, Nagpur. It was attended by a large number of members of the branch. The Vice chairman and the Secretary, in their presentations, highlighted the various programmes and educational courses conducted by the Branch. It was informed to the members that the Nagpur Branch of the IIMM has also been adjudged as the “BEST BRANCH- Non-Metro” at the NATCOM held at Aurangabad.
The Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM), with its headquarters in Mumbai, is the National Apex body representing a wide spectrum of professionals engaged in various facets of Material Management, responsible for planning, sourcing control and distribution of materials. Through its wide network of 50 branches and 19 chapters, having over 5000 members nationwide, IIMM dedicates itself to the promotion of Materials Management through its multifarious activities, including executive development programmes, seminars, workshops, in-house training programmes, and consultancy assignments.
To further its objectives, IIMM conducts several professional courses such as the Graduate Diploma course in Materials Management (GDMM), Post Graduate Diploma course in Materials Management (PGDMM), and Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM). These courses are approved and recognized by AICTE and the Government of India for appointments in the PSUs and Central Government. These courses have also been accredited by IFPSM and the UGC.
Dr Y Venkata Ramana, General Manager (MM), WCL, Shri Navin Nischal, General Manager (MM), WCL, Shri Madhu Rughwani, Director, Chanda Enterprises, Shri Arvind Hingway, Managing Director, Black Gold group were elected unanimously as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer of the branch respectively.
Other Office bearers who were elected unanimously are Shri Avinash Kumar, Shri Sukumar Adhikari (National Councillors), Shri Sandeep Bhal, Shri Ajay Kolte, and Shri Navin Maheshwari, (Executive Members).
Subsequent to elections, the Newly elected Chairman has given the road map of the activities to be taken up by the branch for the YEAR 23-24. Hon Secretary proposed a vote of thanks.