The ‘Smart City Project’ is to be completed by June 2024. But the way work is progressing, there is no chance of completing the project within the scheduled time. This project is worth 1730 crores and work orders of 1000 crores have been given. But actually, only 15 out of 42 works have been completed.
A company has been formed for this project. After the deadline (June 2024) this company will cease to exist. But this company can continue to work as a consultant.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious Smart City project has 42 works to be done in Nagpur and only 15 of them have been completed till date. Road construction is only half done. Smart City was announced in 2015. New smart cities were to be created in Pardi, Bhandewadi, Punapur and Bharatwada. Development works were to be done in the 1730-acre area. In 2018, Shapoorji Palanji Company got a contract to build roads in this area.
650 crore work was awarded to Shapunji Palanji Company for the road. As per the terms, the company had to complete the work within 18 months but, it did not happen. There were many difficulties in it. The matter was settled by giving the company a fund of 181 crores for the 12 km long road. Now a new tender of 161 crores has been issued for the remaining 13.50 km long road.
For this project, the Central Government has so far given 343 crores, while the State Government has given 171 crores, Nagpur Improvement Trust has given 100 crores and CIDCO has given 50 crores.