Air pollution has become a serious national issue with only 2% of the population in India breathing clean air. In many cities across India, air pollution levels have reached dangerous levels. Even Nagpur which was supposed to be second greenest city of India recently experienced alarming poor Air Quality Index. In the midst of this polluted environment, how can one protect themselves from the harmful effects of air pollution? To address this issue Indian Chest Society organized a Public Talk on “Air Pollution & Health” where Dr Sundeep Salvi National President of Indian Chest Society spoke on the topic. The talk was followed by a panel discussion with panelist being Prof Dr Radha Munje & Mrs. Sangita Goel Ghatge from NEERI along with Dr Sundeep Salvi.The session was moderated by Dr Rajesh Swarnakar ,renowned Pulmonologist of Nagpur.Dr Rajesh Swarnakar said that air pollution can have significant adverse effects on the respiratory system, particularly the lungs.It can cause bronchitis besides worsening of asthma and COPD in patients.Dr Sundeep Salvi said “ It is important to realize that the quality of air that we breathe is hazardous in most places. This realization is necessary to take some actions.Wear a mask indoor whenever pollution levels outside are very high or the house itself is the source of air pollution. Always wear a mask whenever going out. A 3 layered mask (2 cotton layers and a middle silk or chiffon layer) not only offer very good protection, but also are washable and reusable. After you come home, make it a habit to wash your nose with warm water (Jalneti), just like how you brush your teeth every day.
Prof Radha Munje ,HOD,Respiratory Medicine ,IGMC said that one should Hydrate well. Drink plenty of fluids. Your lungs need a lot of water (through self-humidification) to keep the airways clean. Dry lungs make you more vulnerable for the harmful effects of air pollution.Dr Rajesh Swarnakar further advised to Eat well – green leafy vegetables and at least a bowl of fruits, containing 2 different types of fruits every day. This will improve the lung anti-oxidant defense and keep our lungs protected.Dr Sundeep Salvi emphasized on Regular exercise. He said Walking is very good exercise for the lungs as well as the heart. 30 mins to 1 hour is what one should aim every day.He said regular Yoga and Pranayama will also keep your lungs healthy. But do take your doctor’s advice, especially when some of the asanas and breathing exercises can cause harm. Anulom Vilom is very good exercise for the lungs and the brain.
Mrs Sangeeta Goel Ghatge ,Principal Scientist from NEERI pointed out that recent increased pollution in Nagpur might be because of ongoing construction activities and pollution from Vehicles urging general Public to make use of public transportation. Mrs. Sakshi Deshmukh conducted the proceedings and proposed vote of thanks.