A teacher and her student from a well-known city school are set to appear in a Marathi film written and directed by Vidarbha personalities. Titled ‘Terawa’, the movie features Neha/Mangla Dandale, a student of Bhide Girls High School in Sitabuldi, Nagpur, alongside her teacher Shraddha Telang, in roles for a Varhadi film.
Neha Dandale, accompanied by her former teacher Shraddha Telang, recently revisited her alma mater, Bhide High School and Junior College. During the visit, Principal Archana Gadhikar, along with school management member Dr. Abhijeet Ambhaikar, honored Dandale with a felicitation.
The film, directed by Harish Ithape, focuses on farmers’ suicides and the rehabilitation of their wives. It was entirely filmed in Vidarbha villages, with a majority of the cast hailing from this region of Maharashtra.
Shyam Pethkar guided the students regarding careers in acting, while Archana Gadhikar, Neeta Kukde, the supervisor, and Hema Barhanpure conducted the programme.