In light of the Pune accident where two youths were killed by an underage driver allegedly operating an ultra-luxury car, schools and junior colleges in Nagpur are preparing to initiate a campaign against underage driving by holding awareness seminars on campus. The School Headmasters Charitable Association (SHCA) emphasizes the significance of bolstering these awareness initiatives through collaboration with the police department.
Zafar Khan, founder-president of SHCA, said, “We will approach the police department and discuss the possibility of a tie-up, where officials visit schools during the assembly hour, and talk about the issue. Schools keep creating awareness about these topics, but when a cop in uniform says the same thing, the impact is different.”
SHCA feels students have to be made aware of the consequences of underage driving. “In Nagpur, both CBSE and state board schools are strict about this. No student is allowed to bring any vehicle on campus,” said Khan.