The soaring prices of textbooks and other school supplies for the upcoming academic year have already put a strain on parents’ wallets, but the burden doesn’t stop there. Now, they’re facing a 15 percent increase in school bus and van fees. Frustrated parents are questioning why auto-rickshaw fares are based on distance but not school bus fares. Despite having 3,757 school buses and vans in Nagpur district, safety regulations for student transportation seem to be overlooked.
The re-examination of fitness of school buses and vans has not yet been done even though summer is coming to an end. Safe transportation of students is a concept remaining only on the paper now and now parents seem to be worried due to ignoring exorbitant rates by the administration.
The students have to fol- low special rules for the bus facility. This factor increased expenditure. Therefore, prices by ₹20 to ₹400 are now increased The rate in case of vans ha increased by ₹150 to ₹250, i compared to last year’s rate The rate for a van in the cit for 2/3 km will be ₹1,600 t ₹2,000.
Meanwhile, school bus and vans recover charges fo summer vacation, Diwali and Xmas.
Most of the schools ar closed in May month bu they forcibly charge and re cover the amount, com plained some parents addin that despite this, they them selves have to carry thei wards to the schools on Re public Day, Independenc Day events.
The secretary of Shale Vidyarthi Bachao Sanghar sha Samiti Hemant Gajbhiy said that parents would b required to pay additiona charges by 10 to 15 percen for school vans this year.