The much-awaited film set to release on January 1 is written- directed by Paresh Mokashi, and produced by Madhugandha Kulkarni and Bharat Shitole.
Damle who is known to be Maharashtra’s cute actor. As the adaptation from play to film happened, we discussed who would be suitable for various characters in the film. The selection of actors was spot on, and you will see how well they fit into their characters.”
When asked how he feels Prashant Damle has portrayed Hitler, Mokashi quipped, “I would actually like to ask this question to the real Hitler. Would like to ask him, ‘Did he manage to pull it off? Can you do something like this in your life?’”
Producer Madhugandha Kulkarni stated, “Whenever we met people for premieres or other events for other films we did, they would often tell Paresh to bring back the play ‘Bombilwadi.’ I love that play because it’s a laughter ride. Gradually, we thought, why not make a film out of this play? So, we decided to adapt this concept into a film. The exciting part is that Prashant Damle agreed to play Hitler, which has increased the film’s graph. The film has automatically grown larger. He has done an excellent job. Alongside Prashant, we have seasoned actors like Vaibhav Mangale, Pranav Ravarane, Manmeet Pem, Sunil Abhyankar, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Ritika Shrotri, and Advait Dadarakar, creating a wonderful ensemble. Their performances have been outstanding. This is going to be a delightful laughter ride.”
Mr. Bharat Shitole, Producer from Vivek Films said, “When I entered film production, I decided to focus on Marathi and Hindi films. While considering which film to make, Pareshji and Madhugandhaji narrated me the story of ‘Mukkam Post Bombilwadi.’ As soon as I heard the story, I felt this was the film that Vivek Films should start with. This collaboration brought Vivek Films and Mayasabha together. Working with Paresh Mokashiji and Madhugandhaji has been a great experience; I’ve learned a lot from them. Paresh was insistent about Prashant Damle for the role of Hitler. When Prashant came in that getup, it confirmed Pareshji’s vision. There couldn’t be another complete and cute Hitler. We look forward to working together in the future.”
When asked as to why audiences should watch this film, Mokashi humorously responded, “These days, people don’t exercise much, so their lungs don’t get the workout they need. ‘Mukam Post Bombilwadi’ is so funny that it provides a lot of exercise for the lungs. That’s a healthy reason to watch this film.”