Chairman of VIA Agro & Rural Development Forum, Om Jajodia, emphasized that since many years VIA has taken initiative for betterment of farmers and promoting them towards Organic Farming in segment of Nursery Business as well. We are trying to give new dimensions in the nursery business, With systematic approach, the yield of Cotton and Pulses can be increased and it will support agro-economy of our region. Nursery business has great potential for micro and small business for the uneducated unemployed youths.
Today’s major problem is pollution, which have caused many diseases such as cancer, asthma, TB etc. and to control such situations the organic greenery needs to be developed, no other options will give satisfactory results. Currently everyone wants to eat healthy and organic so the organic agri-practices are an ocean of opportunities for us, he added
Milind Shende shared important insights about the horticulture. He said horticulture crops should be developed in certified farms only and such farm owner those who are selling grafts, seeds, fertilizers etc should obtain proper license. Pulses and Cotton saplings can be developed as a profitable venture & certified organic produces have huge demand in domestic and international markets. Approximately 5 lac acre area is available in our region for agriculture and Agriculture Department has various schemes and technologies for agriculture practices and value addition in same.
Dr. Dewanand Panchbhai  stressed on the overall revival of natural eco-system, tree plantation is majorly accepted solution for it but due to modernization, deforestation is happing at rapid rate. In nursery business, we choose seeds or grown-up plants, it has been observed that the 1-2 years old saplings are very suitable for transportation and plantation as their mortality rate is very less. We should promote and adapt indigenous species rather than foreign species. Our government takes various initiatives for tree plantation projects, dry land fruit plants should be planted in such areas and it will boost not just economy but it will also improve atmospheric conditions. The organic plantation has tremendous opportunities in value addition & exports worldwide.   Another segment in nursery business is floriculture; it doesn’t need any kind of licenses. Ornamental plants have great scope for landscape development. Many of developers are looking for such exotic plants for construction sites. Production of healthy and organic food has become basic need of our life.
According to one of the report of WHO, in coming years around 80% population will suffer from cancer & reason for such alarming condition is high use of chemical pesticides. Local farmers should form a community for development of organic seeds and saplings from indigenous species. Such farmers’ community should work in direction of producing value added products, also branding and marketing of same. Nursery business in low investment and high return business, one should have commercial approach to develop the value chain in this filed.
Mentor of VIA Agro and Rural Development Forum, Prof. Ashit Sinha, summed up the session with formal vote of thanks and said there is no other business like Agriculture which gives multiple output. He also said Agro-preneurs should come forward to develop culture of organic food production. At present organic seed production, preservation of such seeds are very important.
Convenor of VIA Agro & Rural Development Forum, Shachi Mallik, said we feel this message should be shared with the nursery owners so that all developed plants should reach to farmers in trays & farmers should also learn new techniques developing plants first and then putting them on field for cultivation. We will continue the efforts on Healthy leaving without medicine, also doing programs and will continue this movement by organizing this type of sessions.