Recently, it has been reported that the general scenario of technical education in city promises nothing but disappointment. In other words, it can be concluded that the craze for the technical courses, especially in Nagpur division has become a thing in the past.
As per the information, the statistics after the end of admission process for 2019-20 display that more than 50 percent seats remain vacant in engineering, MBA, MSc, MTech, BArch, BPharma and polytechnic courses. However, the directorate of technical education and Maharashtra State CET Cell has not released the official data. This indicates many technical institutes in the city are at the verge of closure. As per the sources, there is hardly any course where more than 50 percent of seats are filled.
As per the industry experts, the scarcity of jobs in these fields is the main reason for the lack of interest for the courses. Secondly; the heavy fees for the concerned courses have aggravated the issue. So the students prefer the IITs, NITs and other top colleges in state. And some students opt BSc after failing to get admission to the top institutions. Last year, there was huge push for the BPharma courses as all the seats for the course were filled.
As per statistics, there are 25 colleges which run BPharma with a total capacity of 1670 seats. And this academic year, 1375 students have taken admission. However, technical education in the city witnessed erosion. In Polytechnic 6258 students have taken admission out of 13126 seats. As compared to last year, a sharp decline has witnessed in current academic year. Several colleges have been closed and some of the colleges have reduced its seats. In 2017, there were 60 colleges with a total intake capacity of 24000 students. In 2019, the number of colleges reduced to 47 with intake capacity of 18240.
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