Round Table India
Round Table India (RTI) is an organization of non-political and non-sectarian young men between the age group of 18 and 40. The aim of the young men is to promote service, fellowship and goodwill in national and international affairs. Round Table India, the association, was formed in 1962 with just a membership of 100. It has, over the last 4 decades, grown to become a 4600-member strong association, individuals who can rise above personal concerns to seek and serve the larger needs of the community. Round Table Trust is a Trust floated by its parent body.
We have 303 chapters called ‘Tables’ located in 124 cities and towns of India, comprising of 4600 young leaders from business, entrepreneurs, technocrats and professionals,all passionate about eradicating illiteracy.
Ladies Circle India
Ladies Circle India is non-political and non-sectarian Organization. Our membership is open to only the wives of members Round Table. It Offers Opportunities for serving the community, for fostering and strengthening friendships between like-minded young women and helps create a better understanding of the obligations one owes to the society.
To reach out to underprivileged children, since the year 1996, RTI across the country started adopting projects aimed at providing quality school infrastructure, and then in 1998 this project was formalized and thus born the National Project of Round Table India “Freedom Through Education†– In pursuit of educating underprivileged children
Round Table India’s focus on Infrastructure-Building is aimed at promoting Education for Posterity and hence RTI has put in colossal efforts to build FTE School Blocks across the nation. On an average Round Table India has built one classroom a day with a t total outlay of over Rs. 282 Crores.
As a Part of Round Table India Week, and Ladies Circle India Week the associations will be organizing Blood Donation Camps, Go Green Activities, Child abuse prevention workshops, Distribution of books and supplies, Workshops for children with special needs, Launch of Employ India initiative at schools built by Round table India between 10th and 17th of November 2019.