On January 17, Maha login day will be celebrated at 686 post offices including in Bhandara, Gondia and Nagpur districts for the benefit of the rural people to avail the service of India Post Bank. Under this programme all the post office will continue to open new IPPB accounts throughout the day.
With the registration of a new account, the villagers will be able to make cashless transactions. The person can also do online transactions through this rural account.
Other benefits like payment of electricity bill, mobile, DTH recharge, deposit and withdrawal from another bank. The money given by the government under various schemes like maternity, student scholarship, etc will be credited through this account.
For opening this account, the person has to deposit minimum of Rs 100 and 4 percent interest will be paid annually. AV Sharma, Superintendent Post Office, Nagpur Rural Department has appealed to the people to take advantage of the service.