Nowadays drinking water crisis has become a huge problem, and the civic administration of the city has become the only municipal body in country to provide pure and safe drinking water. Currently, almost all the municipal corporations in country are struggling to provide pure and safe water to the residents. As per information, out of the total water samples collected for laboratory test it was found that 96 percent samples were pure and potable.
The old and outdated pipelines and tap connections in city were the main source of contaminated water supply. And recently NMC has replaced the old pipelines and so far NMC and OCW have replaced 687 km pipelines and 2.31 lakh tap connections.
NMC has appointed separate team for quality control. As per information, on monthly basis this team collects 1500 water samples and get it tested from the regional public health laboratory. Out of the total samples 95 to 99 percent samples are found pure and potable.