As we know the Indian Railways has given a green signal for the the on-line bookings on long distance passenger trains from June 1.However,the Railways are not permitting booking of tickets for undertaking inter-district travel  is prohibited within the state of Maharashtra.
In fact, Maharashtra Government has now even stopped booking for inter-district travel and advised Railways to refund money to travellers. That’s why error message is getting flashed on screen when someone tries to book ticket for inter-district travel. Though Central Government has also talked about unlocking air travel, one does not know the status about availability of inter-district tickets as yet in Maharashtra. Train services resume but no tickets for inter-district travel.
Basant Shukla, Secretary, Bharatiya Yatri Kendra (BYK) stated that this appears to be fuzzy logic as one does not know what purpose it going to serve as there is always a way out.Shukla added that a traveller can always book a ticket from Mumbai to Dongargah and deboard at Nagpur. So this way the government itself is forcing people to tweak the law. He also pointed out that if the aim is to restore normalcy for which state government is opening up transport sector amidst continued lockdown, what the use of such half hearted running of train services.