In the wake of Coronavirus disease pandemic, Maharashtra Health department has now banned the sale of loose cigarettes and bidis. The consumers will now have to buy the whole packet of these items.
The state government has informed that the order was issued to stop the youth from addiction. The government has also directed the police and the municipal corporations to enforce the order strictly and as soon as possible.
The State government has issued the notification under subsection (2) of section 7 of the cigarette and other Tobacco Products (prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and commerce Production, supply and Distribution) Act, 2OO3 (Act No. 34 of 2OO3).
Meanwhile, the government has made it mandatory to print that smoking is injurious to health on at least 85 percent space on the packet.
Earlier, E-cigarettes were seen as an alternative to smoking; However, the central government had imposed a ban on it as well.