It is really a proud moment as the two students from city developed a machine which can read the temperature during COVID, and if there is a fluctuation in temperature it will give a buzzer.Adesh Nair, student of Vellore Institute of Technology of CSE, specialist in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ML branch and Rudresh Kurhe, student of Symbiosis Institute of Technology of Mechanical Branch had developed the machine.
The biggest advantage is it does not need human touch and from a distance of 3-6 inches it can detect body temperature and can dispense sanitizer. The main chip used in this machine is Arduino Chip. When a person reaches the first IR sensor its output goes high. The change of output is recognised by Arduino and it activates IR thermometer. IR thermometer will display temperature of person. When there is sanitizer filled and person places his hand below the second IR sensor, the output of the second IR sensor goes high. The change in IR sensor output is detected by Arduino and it activates relay with certain time delay and deactivates after.
The submersible DC motor pump activates using relay and sanitizer dispenses out. If there is no sanitizer then it activates buzzer as a warning to fill sanitizer immediately. To display information 16X2 LCD screen is used. The special features of this machine includes three type of temperature display mode, high temperature alarm, sanitizer refill alarm, contactless temperature detection, automatic sanitizer spray. Usually, it is seen in Government departments and corporations that manpower is engaged in temperature detection with a hand held thermometer.