With rapid increase in the COVID-19 cases each day the world is now waiting for a vaccine to stop the spread of the disease which has claimed million lives worldwide.
At present a lot of promising candidates are trying their luck to be the first one in the race to introduce the vaccine. Many have reached the phase three trials of COVID-19 vaccine while some are still in process. Some of the results of the vaccine trials are quite impressive. But what’s important here is – what happens after the patient receives a shot.
Participants who have volunteered for some of the vaccine trials have described experiencing somewhat mild, lingering, and in some cases, totally strange side effects.
If we want a vaccination program to be truly effective and protect billions at risk, we also need to be aware of the loopholes we have in front of us.
Well, doctors too have warned of a few side-effects of the vaccine. Take a look at the side-effects:
Fever and chills
A volunteer at Moderna’s trials complained of fever and chills for a few hours. He, however, said that it only lasted a few hours and did not require any medical aid.
Doctors have noted that fever and chills were common side-effects of the Moderna vaccine.
Headaches and mild body pain is another side-effect of the vaccine. It should be noted that most people have complained of mild headache and body pain after a taking any vaccine shot.
A vaccine shot can make on nauseous. A Moderna vaccine volunteer who received the highest dose of the shot experienced some of the side-effects including cramps, nausea, fatigue, vomiting.
Muscle pain
One can also experience muscle pain around the skin they received a shot.. It should be noted that all three major candidates – Pfizer, Oxfor-Astrazeneca and Moderna trials have experienced muscle pain and soreness as a side-effect of the shot. Patients can also experience redness and rashes after vaccination.
Some volunteers have said that they experienced migraines and one-sided headaches after receiving the shot. A Pfizer volunteer had a migraine attack after vaccination. Those who already suffer from migraine, vaccination could trigger it.