The Ministry of Labour and Employment is likely to complete the process to finalise the rules for four new labour codes soon. The proposed labour codes could provide companies with the flexibility of four working days in a week, even as the working hours limit of 48 hours for a week will remain sacrosanct, Labour and Employment Secretary Apurva Chandra said on Monday. Chandra on Monday said that the government is considering the objections raised by the trade unions to 12-hour daily work shift and three days of paid leaves.

The new labour laws will not compromise the interests of labourers and employees in any way, Chandra added. “Rules and regulations are now being framed on provisions related to working hours. There is no final word as yet. Once the rules are formulated, things will become clearer. The Ministry wishes to assure that establishments will not be able to exploit their employees at any cost. The government also announced that employees will be provided free medical check-up through the Employees State Insurance Corporation. The employer will not have to bear this cost.