With increasing number of sexual offences reported by media, a large section of people have expressed concern over this deviant behaviour of adolescent and youth. The reasons could be varied in every individual case, but the concern of the parents is increasing with every passing day.
As per the police record the sexual offences have not increased to a great extent. It appears big because reporting has increased and at the same time media has been projecting it prominently. Psychiatrists are also of the opinion that higher number of reporting of cases of sexual offences depicts it as a major social problem.
Through discussion on the issue with experts in the field, it appears that the reasons could be in relaxation of control over behaviour of children by what is called in sociologoca; terms as ‘Agencies of Social Control’. These agencies mainly are parents, teachers, seniors in the society etc. The behaviour of the child is expected to be controlled by these agencies. Social and moral values are expected to be inculcated by these agencies. Availability of medium like internet, television etc, its impact, does not mean that these agencies of social control should forget their role as mentors of future generation of the nation.

The modern technology has opened doors of information to the children. How to use these avenues for betterment of life, depends on the manner in which it is used. The role of seniors to guide the young ones, here, is important. Unfortunately, the seniors have not ben able to perfom their role properly , the result of which is deviant behaviour of children.
Now, mobile phones for everyone has become a necessity. Easy access to pornographic sites has influenced the young minds, which is in the stage of exploring everything and experimenting with it. The inqusitive mind cannot and should not be unnecessarily controlled. But giving them proper direction is absolutely necessary. The positive approach can help the child to become a scientist, the negative mind can make that person a hardcore criminal.
It is easy to blame the electronic media for the degrading social and moral values. But the seniors in the society, or every individual for that matter, cannot overlook his or her responsibilities as a good citizen.