Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh has been suspended by Home Department of Government of Maharashtra. The letter of his suspension has been issued on Thursday
In the letter of suspension it has ben mentioned that offence against him have been registered at three police stations — Marine Drive Police Station, Mumbai;  Bazarpeth Police Station, Kalyan and  Kopari Police Station, Thane; Thane Nagar Police Station. Besides these offences Singh has been charged of unauthorised absence from duty.

As a first step of the disciplinary action against Singh he has been suspended from duty. During his suspension he will report at the office of Director General of Police, Mumbai and will not be allowed to leave headquarters, without the permission of DGP.
Singh will not be allowed to accept any other job during his suspension. He will be paid subsistence allowance and other allowances as admissible under law, on submission of certificate that he has not accepted any other job or is carrying out any trade or business.
The order in the name of the Governor has been signed by Venkatesh Bhat, Joint Secretary, Government of Maharashtra.