Because the Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University’s website was down, connected colleges had a difficult time completing the entrance registration procedure. Despite the fact that the technological issues were eventually resolved, colleges experienced difficulties since student registration was not finished on time.
Follwing the glitches has now offered colleges a reprieve by extending the registration deadline to December 24.
Earlier, last date for registration of first year students was December 8. However, many foraml ities like new registra tion and through college user name, submission of complete profile of stu dents, attestation of doc uments and finalisation of admission and sub mission of nomination formsremained incom plete.
Hence, government released a new time table and fixed the last date as December 18.
Despite this, many col leges could not meet the deadline. As a result, government extended last date till December 24.