Totladoh reservoir, which is the main source of water supply to the city, has enough water for it this summer. s
The dam, whose capacity is 1,017 million cubic meter (mcm), is around 64% full. Its downstream dam Kamptee Khairi hav ing 142 mcm capacity is 53% full. Vidarbha Irrigation Development Corporation (VIDC) offi cials said that this was more than enough for Nagpur.
The two dams have how ever, less water than last year. On March 19, 2021, Totladoh was 76% full while Kamptee Khairi was completely full.

The other major dams of Nagpur division also have sufficient water. Gosikhurd having 740 mcm capacity is 56% full, Khindsi (103 mcm) – 50%, Wadgaon (135), Lower Wardha (217) – 55%, Bor (127) -58%, etc. Only two major dams have low storage: Nand (Vena) – 20% and Kalisarar 24%. The . average storage in 16 major dams of the division is 55%. The figure for 42 medium dams is 48.5% and that for 326 minor projects is 47%.
While the situation may be satisfactory, the storage in major dams of Nagpur division is the lowest in the state. Pune division is the highest at 75.5% fol lowed by Aurangabad at 75%. The 10 big dams of Amravati division have 63.5% storage.