Nagpur Division of Central Railway led by DRM Richa Khare maintained it’s numero-uno position on innovative ways to enhance the generation of Non-Fare Revenue, The Division surpassed the NFR target set by CR Headquarters one month in advance.
A total of 30 contracts were awarded this year out of which the BYJU’s promotional kiosk awarded by the Division in the month of Nov 2021 has been replicated over 32 Divisions of Indian Railways, similarly, the Hybrid OBHS contract in the earning mode, which was first implemented by the Division on Feb 25, 2022 by saving expenditure on OBHS account and augmenting generation of NFR is being replicated over other Divisions.
The Division also strengthen its position on traditional source of NFR by awarding the Jingle Advt. contract on the public announcement system of Railway Station, Videowall Contract at Nagpur and exploring and successfully awarding 10 new Hoarding Sites across the Division. The Division which is on the forefront of implementing ‘innovative earning contracts’ also patronized and awarded six contracts for a longer duration for generation of NFR. The landmark ‘On-Bard Vending’ of essential ‘Non-Catering’ items including OTC medicine is generating Rs. 65 Lakhs per annum for the Division. By this contract the Division would earn Rs 869 Lakhs of Non-Fare Revenue during the contract period.

Highest freight earning of Rs. 4060 crore
The Business Development Unit (BDU) and field staff of Nagpur Division has crossed freight earning of Rs. 4060 Crores as on March 20. It is the best ever and highest ever freight earning in any financial year till now and more than 28% of previous best. Target for this Financial Year was Rs.3619.81 Crores.
Best ever loading of 39.88 MT has been achieved up to February. The yearly best of 36.60 MT achieved in 2018-19 was crossed on February 4 itself. Highest ever total originating loading 4.46 MT. in Dec-2021. The previous best was 4.19 MT in Nov-2021.
In wagon terms 2167 wagon/day in Dec-2021 Previous best was 2106 wagons per day in Nov-2021.
Best ever freight earnings of Rs. 443.31 crore in Dec-21. The previous best was Rs. 409.43 cr in Nov-21.
Best ever coal loading from PVIT (PFT), 125rakes in Dec-21.
The highest ever loading of Clinker, 26 rakes (1444 wagons) were loaded in May-21. The previous best was 22 rakes (1285 wagons) in Aug-11
Ticket checking earnings
The Nagpur Division of the Central Railway has realized ticket checking earnings of Rs 31.23 Crores from 4.72 Lakh passengers during April 2021 to February-2022 from without ticket/ Irregular travelling passengers and towards unbooked luggage carried by the passengers.
During the period Rs 31.15 Crores were recovered from 4.70 lakh, passengers traveling without a ticket, Rs 6.18 Lakhs from 1288 passengers traveling with irregular tickets whereas Rs 1.81 lakhs were realized from 531 passengers detected with unbooked luggage.
The Nagpur Division has been in a mission mode in implementing the Covid-appropriate behaviour protocols in Railways during the pandemic.
Railways fervently appeal to the people to travel with valid tickets and to follow the Covid protocols in the Railway premises.