The results of Standard X and XII are likely to be announced by June 20, Minster of State for Education Bachhu Kadu stated during an interview with a news channel. At the same time he stated that the students will have to be prepared for education in digital mode.
Discussion on making all the schools digital, is being held. This is a global phenomenon and the schools in India will have to follow it.

Kadu also stated that the academic loss which the students had to face during Corona pandemic, will be made-up through additional 40 days of teaching. The programme called ‘Setu’ is being planned to make-up for the academic loss. He appealed to the teachers, parents and the students, and the society as well to co-operate in the efforts to provide quality education at village level schools. Unfortunately education and health remained neglected in the political agenda on religious and other issues. He categorically stated that this is a political failure.
The government is making efforts to complete vaccination of the students before beginning of the next academic session.
Replying to a question Kadu stated that the issue of hike in fees by private schools is in the court and decision on it can be taken only after the decision of the court. He also stated that the problems of honorarium of the Shikshak Sevak will be sorted out within two months..