Kanhan WTP Intake well strainers choked
Following heavy rains, all the 16 gates of Navegaon Khairy Dam are still open causing heavy floods at Kanhan River. As a result, the water level is high with a strong current near the intake and this has completely chocked all the intake well strainers.
Due to this, there is no pumping from Kanhan WTP since 3 am.
Following this water supply in 28 ESR’s from 4 zones of AasiNagar zone, Nehru Nagar zone, Lakadganj & Satranjipura zones are affected.
As per the details it is expected that gates of dams of Navegaon khairi will be closed today afternoon and the water level will drop to safe point and only then the cleaning of strainers will be allowed and water supply in affected areas may resume.
NMC-OCW is closing monitoring the situation as it is also not safe to send scuba divers in such flood like situation.