Viral infections are any illness you get from a virus (a small germ that uses your cells to reproduce). Common viral illnesses include colds, the flu, COVID-19, norovirus (“stomach flu”), HPV (warts) and herpes simplex virus (cold sores). Many viruses go away on their own, but some cause life-threatening or chronic illnesses.
Senior Paediatrician and GMC professor from the city, Dr Avinash Gawande, in conversation with The Live Nagpur, told that “noticeably, a significant rise has been observed in the age group of 6-9 years old and the children who are in pre-school. Proper medications should be provided to the children. Timely and right vaccination is very important for all children. Various physical aspects play key roles in order for the prevention of the infections such as sleep patterns, the right food, the right diet and many more.”
Dr Avinash Gawande

Dr Sanjay Pakhmode who recently became the president of the Indian Academy Of Paediatrics (IAP) elaborated and explained to The Live Nagpur about various preventive measures that can be taken by the citizens as parents for infections, “the most important measures that are needed to be into considerations are by bringing back the practices that were followed during the Covid-19 pandemic. People should keep washing their hands, and maintain social distancing if in contact with a person carrying visible symptoms of the infection. Other than this, the children who are easily vulnerable to the infection should be taken extra care of. For example: if a child gets in contact with another child having a viral infection during their school time, the chances are high that the student can get affected and get ill. During this time, the child should avoid going to school for a couple of days. The schools should provide a provision for the detection and prevention of the disease. Awareness programmes should be conducted for the parents as well as the students. Crowded places such as restaurants etc should be avoided as far as possible by the children. Parents play a vital role in the health of a child, they should dress their children accordingly, and avoid feeding their children cold and sour food items. Children should get adequate sleep a minimum of 8-10 hours daily. Due to the lack of sleep, the children feel lethargic all day. Weight, diet and immunity are the key factors for a child’s health.”
Dr Sanjay Pakhmode

Dr Pakhmode concluded by saying “Vaccination is the key solution and it acts like a mutual fund to the child’s health. All the vaccinations are now available at Government hospitals and as well as private hospitals. People can seek out vaccinations at their convenience. Vaccine programmes so as to educate people and change their mindset should be conducted at mass levels. It is a due responsibility of the citizens to vaccinate their children.”