CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) and JanAkrosh jointly convened a meeting on 16 February 2023 at CSIR-NEERI to discuss about activities and actions for control of noise pollution. This meeting was attended by Dr. Atul Vaidya, Director, CSIR-NEERI, along with senior officials of the Institute. Dr. Vishrut Landge, Professor and Dr. Arpita Saha, Assistant Professor from Department of Civil Engineering, Visvesvarya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), and Prof. Sneha Uttarwar, Cummins College of Engineering for Women were also present on this occasion. ShriShyam Bhalerao (Secretary), Dr. Daulat Gajghate, Shri Anil Joshi and Shri Ashok Karandikar from JanAkrosh prominently took part in the meeting.
The participants discussed the scientific and technological aspects which could play a key role in the development of new policy and guidelines for abatement of noise pollutionPresenting the study carried out by CSIR-NEERI on traffic noise including honking, Dr. Ritesh Vijay, Sr. Principal Scientist and Head, Waste Water Technology Division, CSIR-NEERI highlighted some important scientific and technological interventions. He informed that CSIR-NEERI and CSIR-IIP are working on the development of Noise ATM in association with Maharashtra Pollution Control Board to identify the honking hot-spots. He also emphasized on the need to manufacture such vehicles which can regulate honking intensity with speed of the vehicle, there should be low noise at traffic junctions when the vehicle is idle. Dr. Vijay mentioned that the regulation committee is planning to reduce the maximum noise limit allowed for horns from 112 dB(A) to 100 dB(A). Prof. Landgestressed on the need to set-up such mechanism that can distinguish between the honking noise and ambient noise. Dr. Vaidya suggested to organize a series of workshops with different stakeholders for the development of effective policies and guidelines to control noise pollution. CSIR-NEERI is committed for rendering technical inputs to formulate and support policy, he added. Dr. Vaidya unveiled a video clip of the spatial and strategic noise maps of Nagpur. The Research Scholar Mr. Chaitanya Thakre also participated in the meeting.