The Swachh Yatra and Swachh Mashal March, which were organised by the Nagpur Municipal Corporation as part of Swachhotsav 2023, drew immediate reactions from the women of the city. They participated in large numbers in the cleanliness drive. The March took place during the early morning hours on Friday, March 31.
This March saw participation from female sanitation employees from the municipality together with women from other self-help groups in the city. Ram Joshi, additional Commissioner, flagged the rally. Dr. Gajendra Mahalle, Director and Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Solid Waste Management, Prakash Varade, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Social Development, Tejaswini Mahila Manch, Kiran Mundha, Leena Budhe, and Shubhangi Padole of the Center for Sustainable Development participated in this event.

Under the guidance of Municipal Commissioner and Administrator, Radhakrishnan B, the Swachh Mashal March started from Samvidhan Chowk. The rally proceeded through Vidhan Bhavan Chowk, Mitha Neem Dargah Road, Food Supply Department Office, Gupta House and then came back to Samvidhan Chowk from Institute of Science, Freedom Park and concluded back at the Samvidhan Chowk.

Municipal woman sanitation workers, including 500 woman of the group’s Women Self Help Society and Self Help Lovers participated in this rally. Union Housing and Urban Development Minister, Hardeep Singh Puri and Joint Secretary Rupa Mishra were present during the event.
Ram Joshi also graced the event with his presence and informed about the innovations in the cleanliness of Nagpur City and the innovations being implemented in the city. Swachhotsav is a campaign carried out by woman to spread awareness about cleanliness everywhere.