With consumer loans becoming easier to secure and the RBI also allowing consumers to secure pre-approved loans via UPI, there seems to be no boundary on what can be purchased in installments.
A case in point is a Pune-based trader who has come up with the idea of making high-ticket Alphonso mangoes more affordable for the common buyer by introducing an option to purchase the fruit on EMIs.
Alphonse mangoes sell at around Rs 800-1,300 a dozen. Maharahstra-based Gaurav Sanas who runs Gurukripa Traders and Fruit Products in Pune said that “if refrigerators, ACs and other appliances can be bought on EMI, why not mangoes?”
Mango variety Alphonso, also referred to as Hapus, comes from the Devgad and Ratnagiri districts of Maharashtra. These districts are located in the Konkan region of the state.

According to reports, Gurukrika Traders is the first retailer in the nation to offer Alphonse mangoes on EMIs, Sanas claims.
Customers will have the option to buy the mangoes from the company over the installments of three, six, or twelve months.
Customers can take advantage of the facility by using their credit cards to check out after making a purchase.
Sanas claims that the EMI option is only accessible for purchases with a minimum value of Rs 5,000.
Four customers have used the EMI facility to buy Alphonso mangoes so far, he added.