Nitin Gadkari to be felicitated by bamboo society of India. Bamboo Society of India, Maharashtra Chapter (BSI MC) and its Vidarbha Development and Promotion Committee (VBDPC) are felicitating the trinity, Nitin Gadkari, MoRTH, GoI, for his Fundamental Contribution that would set in motion to cause vibrant industrial development of bamboo sector in India.
Ganesh Verma, CMD, Bhavya Srishti Udyog Pvt Ltd, CG, and Dr Lal Singh, Sr Scientist, CSIR NEERI, Nagpur will also be felicitated on this occasion at hands of Dr Nitin Gadakari.
In the era of India being first in more than many fields of development, Shri Nitin Gadkari who 1st stimulated or spurred the idea of using eco-friendly bamboo crash barriers against use of steel, and adopting them along the Indian road network to reduce the accidental deaths, and yet, remaining an agri-rural industrial activity kick started technical innovations in bamboo sector a massive way.

For, Ganesh Verma, an industrial agriprenure, innovator and devout follower of Madhyastha Darshan Philosophy, from CG, it was an opportunity to testing his patented bamboo technology product for making 1st crash barrier successfully thereby making India and bamboo sector proud.
For, Dr Lal Singh, a Sr Scientist with NEERI, the tasks were little different ie to grow bamboo where nothing grows. He proved it successfully by example by enabling bamboo to grow on fly ash dumps to help combat air pollution and the menace thereof while helping the women folks learn plantation and find employment for themselves.
The Bamboo Society of India, a oldest society with PAN India presence, and vibrantly active through its Maharashtra Chapter and its Vidarbha Bamboo Development and Promotion Committee headed by Dr Hemant Bedekar and Er Ajay Patil respectively feel proud and privileged to felicitate these threesome for their yeoman contribution to bamboo sector in India on Sunday, the 16th April 2023 at the auditorium of CSIR NEERI and request bamboo enthusiasts to be together on this occasion.
Er. Ajay Patil Chairman, Vidarbha Bamboo Development and Promotion Committee, BSI MC and Ar Sunil Joshi Convener, BSI MC has appealed to Vidarbians / Nagpurians and bamboo lovers to attend the function in large number. There will be a detailed presentation of crash barrier too.