The nation’s toll collection system will change once more. A new system that uses GPS tracking to collect tolls will replace the Fastag system at toll booths across the nation. The new system will base toll fees on the distance a car has travelled on the high pay in terms of kilometres. In such a case, the distance travelled on the highway or motorway will serve as the basis for the toll payment. The “Satellite Navigation Tolling System” is the name of this system. This will result in the elimination of toll booths throughout the nation.

How will the toll tax be determined?
According to the Union Minister, the government is considering two ways to collect the toll. The first is GPS in the car will assist in deducting the toll directly from the vehicle owner’s bank account. The licence plate is the second choice. In this, the old licence plates will be changed out for new ones, and the toll will then be collected using a computerized system and software. He added, however, that it was still under discussion and that no decision had been made as to which options would be chosen.