Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed 71,000 appointment letters to new recruits on the occasion of Rashtriya Rozgar Mela. PM Modi also addressed the new appointees on the occasion.
“More than 70,000 youths have got government jobs in various departments of the central government, congratulations to all of you. The process of giving government jobs in NDA and BJP-ruled states is going on at a fast pace. Appointment letters were handed over to over 22,000 teachers in MP yesterday itself, ” the prime minister said.

Rozgar Mela is a stepping stone towards the fulfilment of the prime minister’s commitment to grant the highest priority to employment generation. It is expected to provide meaningful opportunities to the youth and a platform for their participation in national development.
According to reports, the ‘Rozgar Mela’ will be held in three different locations- Guwahati in Assam, Siliguri in North Bengal and Dimapur in Nagaland under the jurisdiction of NF Railway.
Selected from across the country, the newly inducted appointees will join various positions/posts under the Government of India like, Train Manager, Station Master, Sr commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Inspector, Sub Inspectors, Constable, Stenographer, Junior Accountant, Postal Assistant, Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant, Sr Draughtsman, JE/Supervisor, Assistant Professor, Teacher, Librarian, Nurse, Probationary Officers, PA, MTS, and many more.