Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur a leader in healthcare sector has once again came up with a unique case. The complicated emergency surgery carried out was a miracle and the Wockhardt Hospitals dedicated team is testament to their mission of serving common people.Â
A 63 year old male patient from a remote village presented with end stage renal disease (ESRD) on dialysis with h/o fever with HD catheter in-situ in neck from right side. He was referred to Dr. Akshay Singh for further investigation. Echo was done to rule out the causes for fever. Then in 2D Echo it was found that patient is having vegetation ( infection) on Aortic Valve with leak in the another left side valve (severe Mitral regurgitation) The cause of infection was the HD catheter which was not changed for last 12 months and the patient was having high fever on & off since last 6 months . His BP was not stable, was having high fever and he was on dialysis. Further to maintain his blood pressure he was kept on high support IV medications. He was in septic shock. A life-threatening condition that happens when your blood pressure drops to a dangerously low level after an infection and IV medications are required to maintain BP.
But to add to this an unfortunate incident happened with the patient, out of the 5 cm infectious mass on his one valve, part of mass embolized to his left leg in his popliteal artery through blood. He had severe pain in the left limb and also colour of his limb changed. In view of that emergency Embolectomy was done to save his left leg from being amputated.
Subsequently, highly complicated DVR (double valve replacement) was done to save the patient life on subsequent day. It was done successfully and then the patient was shifted to ICU in a stable state with moderate Inotropic supports.
After 13 day stay in ICU with great team efforts, the patient recovered and was discharged on advice with frequent dialysis in view of CKD (Chronic kidney disease). Whole team did extraordinary job. Dr. Akshay Singh (CVTS surgeon) an expert and dedicated professional, Critical care experts – Dr.Chetan Sharma & Dr. Rupesh Bokade, Infection Specialist Dr. Ashwini Tayade, Nephrologist – Dr. Suryashree Pandey and ICU nursing team all contributed and a life was saved.
Dr. Akshay Singh is DrNB (Doctorate of National Board) in Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery. It’s a super speciality degree awarded by National board of Education (NBE)
This case was really challenging, but standing true to its tagline Life Wins, everyone gave their full and a precious was life saved
Mr. Abhinandan Dastenvar , Centre Head, Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur, said , ” Wockhardt Hospitals is proud to have such state-of -the -art facilities which makes it possible to perform such complicated surgery . It was really a chllenging case and our expert doctors , Crtical care expert team, Infection Specialist , Nephrologist and Nursing staff did a wonderful job and a life was saved. “