Sleep disorders have become common and a vast majority of people have started consultations with experts in the field. The major cause of sleep disorder is said to be the changing lifestyle. The changing lifestyle is also related to heavy workload and associated increasing tension.
Experts in the field say that there are over 80 different types of sleep disorders. Besides consulting a medical practitioner a new concept is being discussed now, and is called Sleep Divorce.
Although the term has been used only to catch the readers’ attention, it is unlike the usual term in which ‘Divorce’ is considered. To allow the sleeping partners to have a sound and adequate sleep or rest. Sound sleep for seven to nine hours is essential for physical and mental health as well.
Everyone needs sleep. It’s an essential part of what makes our bodies function. The amount of sleep you need might be more or less than others, but experts recommend adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Optimal sleep time varies by age; for example, children and teenagers may need more sleep than adults.
Difficulty in falling asleep, trouble staying asleep through the night or waking up often in the middle of the night difficulty in falling asleep again, snoring, gasping or choking during sleep, etc are common symptoms of sleep disorder.
Sleep disorder of one partner sleeping together might affect the sleep of the other. The result is shown in the performance in schools or at the workplace.
With the understanding and respect for the partner sleeping separately is being accepted. The condition in the modern world is called ‘Sleep Divorce’.
In many developing countries, divorce is sought on this ground of snoring, and is granted. In Indian society, such cases are not known so far, although the number of cases visiting experts is increasing with every passing day.