Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav has received some major news as the bank has seized his multi-crore property. Rajpal had taken a loan from the bank but was unable to repay it, leading to the bank taking significant action against him. His property is located in Seth Enclave, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
The seized property is related to Rajpal Yadav’s 2012 film “Ata Pata Lapata,” which he directed and his wife, Radha Yadav, produced. For this film, Rajpal had taken a loan of five crore rupees from the Bandra branch of the Central Bank of India in Mumbai. After 12 years of not repaying the loan, the bank has now seized his multi-crore property in Shahjahanpur’s Seth Enclave.
Two days ago, officials from the Central Bank of India in Mumbai visited Shahjahanpur, and a banner was placed on Rajpal’s property stating that it belongs to the Central Bank of India, Mumbai, and should not be bought or sold under any circumstances. On Monday morning, the Central Bank of India Mumbai officials seized the property.
Rajpal Yadav had taken this loan in his father Naurangi Lal Yadav’s name. Since he failed to repay it, the bank took significant action against him. Currently, Rajpal Yadav has not commented on the matter.
Earlier, in 2018, Rajpal had to spend three months in jail for a similar case. The Delhi-based company Murali Projects had filed a civil case against Rajpal Yadav’s Shri Naurang Godavari Entertainment. Rajpal had borrowed money from them in 2010 and was imprisoned for three months for failing to repay the loan.