Nagpur: A special CBI court in Delhi on Monday convicted Manoj Kumar Jayaswal, Managing Director of Nagpur-based Abhijeet Infrastructure Ltd (AIPL), and its former director Ramesh Kumar Jayaswal in a coal scam case related to the fraudulent allocation of Brinda, Sisai, and Meral coal blocks in Jharkhand.
The CBI had alleged that AIPL secured the coal blocks by submitting forged documents and misrepresenting its financial position, land acquisition, and other claims to the Ministry of Steel, which recommended the allocation. Based on this recommendation, the Ministry of Coal allocated the blocks to the company on June 25, 2005.
The court convicted the Jayaswals for cheating, criminal conspiracy, and using forged documents, with sentencing set for a later date. The investigation revealed fabricated documents related to land purchases, machinery procurement, and financial ties, which were used to mislead authorities.
Judge Arun Bhardwaj noted that Manoj Kumar Jayaswal was responsible for submitting these forged documents, influencing the Ministry of Steel’s recommendation and the subsequent allocation of the coal blocks. The CBI had filed its charge sheet in 2020 after examining 38 witnesses and 74 documents during the trial.