The lush green lawns of Nagpur’s Raj Bhavan are set to host the swearing-in ceremony of the state cabinet on Sunday, with arrangements underway for a grand yet natural ambiance. Approximately 1,000 attendees are expected, with the historic Raj Bhavan building serving as the picturesque backdrop.
The announcement, made Friday evening, prompted swift preparations for the ceremony, which coincides with the eve of the Winter Assembly Session. Around 30 ministers are set to take the oath during this event, inspired by the “open-to-sky” format used for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in at Rashtrapati Bhavan earlier this year. Contingency plans are in place to address any unexpected rainfall.
The event marks only the second time since December 21, 1991, that Nagpur will host a swearing-in ceremony. To preserve the natural setting, 1,200 chairs have been arranged on the lawn without carpets, adding to the ceremony’s organic charm.