In connection with the Yard Remodeling (Phase-I) work related to the 3rd line at Godhani Railway Station on the Nagpur-Amla section of Central Railway, train cancellations and rescheduling have been implemented. The Pre-NI and NI works are scheduled to take place on January 6th and 8th, 2025.
The following trains from Nagpur Division will be canceled/Rescheduled:
Trains Canceled from Nagpur Division:
- Train No. 61118 Amla-Nagpur MEMU will be canceled on 06.01.2025 and 08.01.2025.
- Train No. 61119 Nagpur-Amla MEMU will be canceled on 06.01.2025 and 08.01.2025.
- Train No. 61120 Amla-Nagpur MEMU will be canceled on 08.01.2025.
- Train No. 61117 Nagpur-Amla MEMU will be canceled on 08.01.2025.
**Rescheduled Trains (Delayed Departures):**
- Train No. 12159 Amravati-Jabalpur Superfast Express will depart 30 minutes late on 06.01.2025.
- Train No. 12159 Amravati-Jabalpur Superfast Express will depart 1 hour 30 minutes late on 08.01.2025.
- Train No. 12924 Nagpur-Danapur Superfast Express will depart 1 hour 30 minutes late on 08.01.2025.
These changes are being implemented as part of the ongoing work to improve the infrastructure and facilitate the provision of the third line between Nagpur and Amla.