Bhonsala Military School, Nagpur bagged runners-up trophy at the prestigious National Aerolympics Trophy 2019, in an annual competition jointly conducted by Aeronautical Society of India in collaboration with Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Bangalore, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) Bangalore and Hindustan University.
Competing against top 22 schools selected from length and breadth of Indian peninsula on the basis of project report on ‘Indian Space Explorations’, Bhonsala Military School, Nagpur stood second by scoring 155.7 while Vyomayana Sanstha Vidyalaya, Odisha won the trophy by a thin margin of 158.9 points.
In the three days competition, the teams competed against each other in eight sub events, viz Project Report, Home Project Report on Make in India (Applicable to Aerospace), aviation quiz, general awareness quiz, static model making, cultural event, power point presentation of the project report and in a surprise event, the extempore on the nominated topic was given to the team in short time of 10 min. The BMS team bagged first position in technical quiz, cultural event and home project while maintain top five position is most of the other events, emerging as overall runners-up.
It is worth highlighting that Bhonsala Military School, Nagpur has been selected to participate in all the 13 competitions conducted by the society continuously since 2006. They have emerged winners five times and have been runners-up four times, including this year.
The Central Hindu Military Education Society (CHMES), Nagpur Division, the governing body of the school, Commandant and the entire school staff lauded the efforts of the team comprising of Cadet Utkarsh Magendra (Class XII), Cadet Dhananjay Wagh (Class XI) and Cadet Piyushkumar Rai (Class IX) steered by Mrs. Kuldeep Sone as Teacher Coordinator for their sterling performance.