This show is a heartwarming story that takes a peep into the life of housemaids and their relationship with the owners of the house (Malkein).
Just like all of us, every member of this society has a different story. They have their own sorrows, their celebrations and their dreams. While each of their journeys is unique, the one thing that is common is a deep sense of belonging and togetherness for the community. The show revolves around the day-to-day situations in every household that the audience can absolutely relate to.
The star cast of ‘Molkarin Bai’ has some big names from the industry. Veteran actress Usha Nadkarni, actresses Bhargavi Chirmuley, Sarika Nilatkar, Supriya Pathare, Ashwini Kasar and  Gautami Soham will be playing prominent roles in the show.