The prices of onion have reached at its peak of Rs 40/Kg depending upon their quality which is burning a hole in the costumers’ pocket.
In Kalamna wholesale markets the prices of Onion are in the price band of Rs 25 to Rs 28 /kg. An increase has been noted in the prices of the red onions which were in the price band of Rs 14 to 18 kg in last month whereas it is in the price band of 25 to 30 per kg currently. The price band for white onions is between 30 to 35 per kg.
The prices in the retail market are still higher depending on the area. On an average kalamna market receives 15 truckloads of onion per day but due to the low production of onion this year, the only 1 to 2 truckloads are arriving in the market from Karnul district, informed former president Kalamna aaloo kande Association, Jaiprakash Vasani.
If the prices continue to move up then the Central Government would probably purchase the entire stock of the onion and will release it as per the demand to regulate the prices of onion.
Even the prices of Garlic have escalated to 125 Per kg in Kalamna market. A new production of garlic is assumed to arrive in the market in the month of February and March. Till then the consumers have to buy garlic at higher prices.
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